Omega Card Counting

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  1. Omega Ii Card Counting System
  2. Omega Card Counting
  3. Omega Ii Card Counting System

While card counting is not illegal, it is frowned upon and you may be asked to leave the casino if suspected of using any counting system in play. The Omega II counting system is best used by more experienced players who have already mastered a simpler counting system, such as Hi Lo. Omega II Card Counting A relatively new arrival on the card counting scene, the Omega II method first appeared in Bryce Carlson's 2001 book, Blackjack for Blood. The system is a bit more complex than other methods out there because it is balanced, meaning that the count will be 0 again once an entire deck of cards has been counted. . Omega II is a more complex system, since it assigns different values to different cards, and if you want to play like a pro, you’ll need to include an ace count too. Counts above +12 mean that the player has a higher advantage, where the edge is skewed in their favor.

The Omega II System is a card counting methodology
popularized in Bryce Carlson’s excellent book, Blackjack for
Blood. It’s a relatively hard system to use, but it’s not as
hard as the Wong Halves System. It’s certainly harder to use
than the Hi-Lo or KO System, though.

The Omega II System is considered an expert system, not
appropriate for beginners. One of the aspects of this system
that makes it harder than most systems is that it’s a 2 level
system. It also encourages the keeping of a side count for aces,
which adds quite a bit more to keep up with—in our opinion, for
not enough mathematical benefits.

It is, however, quite powerful, especially when evaluating
decisions about whether or not to take insurance.

How to Count Cards Using the Omega II System

Card counting systems use a heuristic system to keep up with
the ratio of high cards to low cards left in the deck. They do
this in order to make adjustments to playing strategy. More
importantly, they do this so that you can raise your bet when
you’re more likely to be dealt a blackjack. Since “a natural”
pays off at 3 to 2 instead of at even odds, it’s to your benefit
to get more money into action when it’s more likely to happen.
And since the aces and 10s are what make a blackjack possible, a
deck with a large ratio of those cards compared to lower value
cards is a better deal for the player.

Most counting systems are “single level” systems. That means
they only use the addition and subtraction of 1 to keep up with
this ratio. The Omega II System, though, is a 2 level system,
which means that some cards are worth + or -1, and other cards
are worth + or – 2.

If you want to learn how to count cards using the Omega II
System, the first step is to memorize what the cards are worth.
Here are the values for this system:

  • Aces and 8s count as 0
  • 2s, 3s, and 7s count as +1
  • 4s, 5s, and 6s count as +2
  • 9s count as -1
  • 10s count as -2

This is a balanced count, which means you have an equal
number of positive values and negative values. So if you count
through a deck of cards—or even multiple decks—accurately,
you’ll wind up with a total of 0 when you finish. In that
respect, it’s not too difficult. Unbalanced systems seem to be
less intuitive, although really, they’re not that much harder.

It’s the multiple values that make this system harder than
many others.

You’ll notice that 10s are very important, and that’s true.
The more 10s are left in the deck, the bigger the player’s edge
is over the casino. You’ll also notices that 4s, 5s, and 6s are
also important. These cards are really bad for the player,
because they increase the chances that she’ll bust.

Omega 2 card counting system

In fact, 5s are so bad for the player that if you removed all
of them from the deck and made no other changes, you’d have a
positive expectation game for the player.

Running Counts & True Counts in the Omega II System

Most card counting systems, including the Omega II, require
you to convert the running count into a true count. This means
that you’re going to take into account how many decks are in
play when deciding how big your advantage is.

This should make obvious sense, but in case it doesn’t,
imagine a single deck game in which all the aces have already
been dealt. You’d have a 0 chance of being dealt a blackjack,

But in a game being dealt from 8 decks, if 4 aces were dealt,
you’d still have 28 aces in the deck. Those dealt aces still
hurt, but they don’t hurt as much.

The conversion to a true count compensates for that.

And it’s not hard to do, either. Here’s how:

You take the running count, and you divide that number by the
number of decks that are left in the shoe. (This is something
you’ll have to learn how to estimate.)

You then use the true count to determine your bet sizing and
your playing strategy deviations.

Sizing Your Bets and Adjusting Your Playing Strategies

The bulk of the edge you gain using the Omega II System comes
from raising your bets when the count is in your favor. This
isn’t a complicated process, either.

  1. You decide how much of a bankroll you have first.
  2. Then you decide what your minimum bet is going to be.
  3. Then you decide how big a betting spread you’re going to have.

Omega Ii Card Counting System

Let’s say you’re a conservative player, so you decide that
you need a bankroll of at least 1000 times the minimum bet at
the table. So you’re going to play for $10 a hand minimum, and
you have a bankroll of $10,000.

You also decide that you’re going to be pretty aggressive
with your betting spread. If the count warrants it, you’re
willing to bet as much as $100 per hand. That’s a betting spread
of between 1 and 10 units.

Omega Card Counting

When the count is negative or 0, you’ll flat bet the $10 on
each hand until the count is in your favor.

Then depending on how high the count is, you’ll raise your
bet as a multiple of the true count. If the true count is +5,
for example, you’ll bet $50 per hand until it changes.

Playing strategy changes are determined in card counting
systems by various “indexes”. These indexes are published in the
book providing the system. In the Omega II System, there are
multiple indexes to take into account. This has the effect of
providing more accurate deviations from basic strategy, but it’s
a lot to keep up with for a relatively small amount of gain

By comparison, the sizing of your bets can result in a gain
of between 1% and 4% when the deck is in your favor. But
changing your strategy based on the count might only add between
0.2% and 1% to your edge, and even then, only in about 10% of
the situations you’ll encounter.


Omega Ii Card Counting System

The Omega II System for counting cards in blackjack is a good
strategy for intermediate players. Full details for how to use
the system can be found in the excellent volume, Blackjack for
Blood by Bryce Carlson. It’s not the easiest system in the world
to learn, but it’s not as hard to use as the Wong Halves System,
and it’s almost as powerful.