How To Play Heads Up Poker

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The great thing about heads up games is that they are usually pretty fast paced, and it can be hard for an opponent to get a good read on you if you vary your style of play. The only good thing about playing against an aggressive player in heads up poker is that you can. Heads up poker is comparable to boxing, if you beat your opponents consistently, you become the champ, gain glory and most people would never want to involve themselfes fighting with you. But, if you are a noob and play against an experienced heads up pro, you will feel like a punch-bag being boxed into north, east, west and south given his. Heads up poker is played between players. It might be played during a larger cash session, or where the game is breaking up and two remain on the table. Obviously, we understand these are not the only hands you’ll be playing in heads-up poker, BUT, these are some.

  • Hi All, I’ve played poker for a few years now and consider myself to be a pretty solid player. Recently, I’ve been getting deeper into GTO and logic in bet-sizing, going for thinner value, thinking through hands for hero calls, overbets etc., especially in heads up.
  • HU Poker Starting Hands - On the Button (In Position) The button in heads up poker is no different then the button in a 6-max or full ring game - you will have position throughout the entire hand. Because of the positional advantage, the button is where you should have the widest hand range.
Heads up strategy in poker
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There are many articles floating around the internet that provide ample strategies for playing heads up poker, and the best advice for any novice player would be to ignore all of them completely. All of the normal rules that apply to betting go straight out the window once all but two of the hands are folded at the table, and at this point there are only two distinct strategies. A smart player is going to try and maximize profits in these types of situations every single time, so the only two goals are to force the opponent to fold or to sucker them all-in. This article will discuss both strategies.

First of all, it is important to actually define what heads up really means. While two players are technically playing heads up poker when others at the table fold, the definition really applies to hands that only have two players pre-flop. This may be because there are only two players left in a tournament, or it could apply to a straight up cash game between two individuals. These heads up tactics are not designed to be implemented when five players start a hand and only two remain on the final card, because at that point the bet by either player is much less likely to be a bluff.

The strategy behind heads up poker is simple; make your hand appear stronger than your opponents. On average, a pair of jacks is the winning hand when only two opponents are involved, but that statistic is quickly forgotten once large chip stacks start to move around the table. This type of play is about stealing blinds, forcing the action with calculated bluffs, and making the opponent place a bet that he is not comfortable with. It really does not matter who has more chips or what the hole cards actually are, because only one in six heads up hands actually make it to the river.

With only two players active at the table, both will be betting the blinds before a single card is ever dealt. Since five in six hands are folded before the river, that leaves plenty of chips on the table that neither party really wants to actively pursue. For this reason alone, the initial move in any heads up game should be to raise or fold. The amount raised will vary by hand, and at this point in the game it is normally more about forcing the opponent out of the hand than to actually indicate card strength. In the optimal situation, the opposing player will surrender his blinds enough to cover any losses when the hand is called. This means a starting hand of A/J should be automatically raised, but so should 7/10 off-suit, 6/7 suited, or even a pair of twos.

The only time this strategy should vary is when an exceptional starting hand is revealed. In these types of situations, there is little benefit in forcing the opposing player to fold, and with luck he will catch a good enough hand to remain playing until the river. These types of hands should also be consistently raised, and if the hand pays off the correct bet would eventually be all-in once the opponent is fully committed to the hand.

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Heads Up Poker can be referred to the type of poker that is either played between two players only or it can also occur at tournaments and single table games after the elimination of every other players. Alternatively, heads up poker may be performed on purpose, either in a cash game format, or as an SnG, where only two players play against each other, and the winner takes away all previously agreed amount of money.

While it is obvious that many players often chose to play in a group of 5-6 players, it is also true that many poker players make the best of money by playing the “Heads Up Poker”. One of the main reasons why playing Heads Up is more popular is because of the potential it provides the players to be able to earn more as compared to a game of multi-players.

How To Play Heads Up Poker Play


The game also makes use of the 'button blind' structure where every player posts an ante, and the player seated at the button position is the only one who posts a blind.

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In other poker games, the players usually have to deal with several other players and most of the time it becomes quite difficult to play with a mixture of skilled and non-skilled poker players. Whereas, in Heads Up Poker, the player have to deal with only one opponent which makes it easier to decide whether they want to stay in the game or walk away from that game and select a new opponent.

The advantages of playing Heads Up Poker is that you get to play aggressively since you only have one opponent to deal with. Here, your skills play a major role in winning the game rather than the cards you are dealt with. In order to be successful, the players have to be very refined at their poker skills.

In multi-player game, the players usually do not find it comfortable to play with smaller pairs, but in Heads Up, if you are dealt with a pair then you have the highest chance of winning and as such you can play aggressively in such cases.

Heads Up Poker are mostly stressful and hard to predict if you are a novice player and your opponent might easily get to learn your play and hence lower your chances of winning the game.

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In the early stages of Heads Up Poker, the player will have to try to understand their opponent’s play in the first few hands. If your opponent folds often to any raise then your chances of winning more are high since it is clear that your opponent isn’t so familiar with the strategies of the game. You will easily be able to tell when he/she has a good card since they will most likely try to raise more when the card is in their favor. That way you won’t have to lose much and continue with the game.

How To Play Heads Up Poker Strategy

The player should focus on adjusting their strategy and beating their opponent. Many professional players chose to play Heads Up Poker because of the higher chances of win-rate that the game provides to the players. If you are new to Heads Up Poker then you would first want to practice at home with your friends or family, that way you will be able to get more acquainted with the game and hence understand the strategies of the game.

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